2018 Race Series Registration Is Open!

We’re almost ready to welcome another season of racing! I hope everyone had an amazing winter and that you’re as ready as I am to hit some snow-free trails! We’re just about 5 weeks away from the first weekly race of the season, with the 2018 Durham Forest Race Series kicking off on May 3rd (details here).

You can register online again this year if you’re doing FULL SERIES. And like last season, you can still register without providing immediate payment online by selecting Alternate Payment Method where requested; just bring payment to your first race. This online registration will help us build your electronic racer profiles and ease the initial set-up of our automated race timing.

We’ll be holding a pre-registration event at Northern Cycle on April 26th between 5;30pm – 7:00pm if you can make it out!

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Full Series Online Registration

We’ll also be offering One-day Permits ($10) once again for anyone without a UCI Licence or Citizens Permit, so get your friends out to try a few races this season!

Thanks again and we’re looking forward to seeing everyone!
